Donyx Suicide, one of my favorite muses to work with, came back to Port Washington to shoot in a nearby creek with me. We always manage to create stunning portraits together, and as much as I'd like to say it's because of my dope camera skills, I really think it's because she's a walking Aphrodite. And when I suggest something that sounds a bit silly, she's down. At one point, she was dipping her boobs into the creek at my request. It's not as weird as it sounds. I promise! I'm grateful to have a community of women around me who let me create with them. Forever grateful.
Whenever I blog, I always think I need to write something elaborate or meaningful. Are a few platitudes and notes about the river enough? Hopefully, you're alright with a blog post here or there (or maybe closer to every time) being just about the photos. When they look this freaking stunning, I don't have much to say. Enjoy the photos and remember that any and all bodies are welcome to rock their birthday suit out in the woods with me!

I believe this was just before a tiny fish decided to take a nibble on Donyx's toe. You really never know what's going to happen when you're shooting with nature. Sometimes nature wants to be a part of the spectacle.
