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New Studio Set Up

Writer: Alicia SchmittAlicia Schmitt

My studio is a constant work-in-progress. I’m always trying to find ways to make it more homey, more cozy and more versatile. My studio is small, and everything in it is movable. And yet…I NEVER MOVE ANYTHING! I wanted to practice moving furniture around in my studio and thankfully, this babely muse was willing to help me out. Plus, I got a brand new tapestry and a furry pink blanket I wanted to play with.

These creative sessions are super important. This is when I experiment, learn and grow as a photographer. Some of my favorite poses and lighting set ups I found while doing creative sessions. I never want to get stagnant with my shooting. There’s always something new to learn, and I want to learn it!

I have a cute leather chair in my studio, which I keep tucked away in a corner by a window. It’s served me well, there, but the only time I move is when I want it out of the way. WELL NOT TODAY! I moved the wall divider, flipped the chair parallel to the wall, and Kim faced me while I got super sexy shadows on the right side of her face. I also realized that without the wall divider, I could shoot into the mirror on my wall, which was super fun.

Also, Kim let me know her alter ego is known as Sasha Savage, and so of course I had to put her in this studio tee. It’s like it was made for her.

Ya’ll…I AM IN LOVE! This is why creative sessions are important. I mucked around. Some stuff I tried didn’t work at all. Some things I tried worked perfectly! My creative juices get flowing, and I end up with new shots and poses I never thought about doing before. I’m excited to use some of these new set ups with my clients!

My bed also moves, and I finally actually moved it! I’ve gotten so comfortable with the bed in the corner, that I never think about using that wall, even though I like how the light touches it. I moved the bed out of the way and used that back wall and I am loving how Kim looks in front of the tapestry. Naked body + tapestry + soft light = sexy as f*********ck.

Fun behind the scenes info: the holo gemstone belt she’s wearing was actually part of a body chain that broke. I didn’t want to pitch it, and I haven’t had a chance to fix the chain yet, but I actually really love this piece as a belt…I might not ever fix it.

We even ventured outside! As we were heading to my car, my elderly neighbor asked if we were going to take “bedroom photos” outside. I said “no” because *technically* we weren’t going to a bedroom haha. We kept it PG since the lighthouse in Port Washington is a pretty popular area, but I’m still obsessed with this velvet bodysuit and fur coat combo.

Ready to get creative with me? Let’s chat about setting up a session.



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