Happy Halloween from Buxom Boudoir! I couldn't let this year's spooky season pass without a little something creepy. One of my favorite jams to blast during October is Love Potion Number 9 by The Searchers, and when Babe L and Babe D came in for their couples session, I asked if we could end their shoot with photos inspired by the song.
In case you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the tune:
We took a few creative liberties, and I love how everything turned out. Have the spooky ookiest of Halloweens this year from me at Buxom Boudoir. And if a witch offers you a little bottle of something she whipped up in her sink, maybe don't take it. Or...if you like how these photos turned out, maybe do.

I told her that I was a flop with chics
I've been this way since 1956
She looked at my palm and she made a magic sign
She said, "What you need is love potion number nine"

Happy Haunting.