The new year is here! This feels like a time for rebirth and growth, whether you like it or not, right? "New year, new me" is everywhere. The pressure to change, to grow, to become better is on! Have you made your list of resolutions? Do you know all the ways you're going to kick this year's ass yet? I can't scroll through TikTok or Instagram without feeling like I need to get up and go RIGHT NOW! My anxiety is in high gear. Growth is great. Change is awesome, but as soon as that clock hits midnight and brings in the new year, we expect so much of ourselves! Why do we think that January 1st means we can suddenly become the best version of ourselves? We write out massive resolution lists with no real game plan and set ourselves up for failure, and then our self worth takes a massive hit. Who is benefitting from these feelings? Not me, that's for sure.
I don't do resolutions anymore. I do set goals for myself with small, actionable steps. I also give myself time to get those things done. They don't all need to happen right now. They may not even happen in 2022, and that's ok. I don't need to become a new person. I don't need to change everything about myself. Instead, each day, I hope I become a little bit more of my authentic self. I hope I get to know myself a little bit better every day. I want to become a happier me, and that's going to take all year. It'll actually take the rest of my life. I need to be ok with that. You need to be ok with that.
If the pressure of the new year is starting to mess with your brain, take a step away from social media. Go for a walk. Meditate. Clear your head, and give yourself 10 minutes to really think about what you NEED out of this year. How much time will that need take to fill? The answer doesn't need to be immediate. Growth takes time, so be patient with yourself. And have yourself one heck of a 2022! Babe: Ginny Rosewater Location: Laurentide Farm - thank you for letting me use your gorgeous glass house over the summer!

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