Babe A is a bad ass. She booked her session in order to reconnect with her body, which is an awesome reason to experience a shoot. For health reasons, she’s spent the last year working out and eating differently, which has drastically changed her body. As we talked and got to know each other more and more, she told me how she doesn’t quite know this body yet. It’s still brand new to her, and that’s why I’m so happy she did a boudoir session. Boudoir forces you to spend time getting to know your body. You have to touch it, look at it, and appreciate it. You have to acknowledge your body because there’s nothing to hide you from it.

Would you mind sharing what all you loved about the experience? I loved having my hair and my makeup done for me. I went in with an open mind not picky about what I was wanting and she (Yulia) made me look so bad ass. The confidence I gained about looking at my body. I had strong dislikes about areas of my body, but after my reveal I was amazed. I saw myself completely different.
Would you ever do another boudoir shoot? Yes. Yes. Yessssssss. 100 times over.
Do you feel like you have a better relationship with your body? Absolutely. With my weight loss it was for health reasons. Now I look at my body from all of that like DAMN GIRL, you fine!!!!!!
Any words of advice to someone who is nervous about boudoir? Sexy isn’t my nature. It’s one of the weirdest feelings to look at pictures of you and be like WOW!!!! But with (Alicia) posing me, directing me, I felt so sexy.

When Babe A came in for her reveal session, it was an emotional experience for both of us. She couldn’t believe these photos were of her, and I could tell she was FINALLY seeing herself as the strong, sexy, amazing woman she is. She even loved the photos that highlighted her stomach, which she did not think would happen. THAT”S SOME BAD ASS PROGRESS RIGHT THERE! I got to watch her have this monumental epiphany, and I must say, I was riding high the rest of the day. She’s an incredible human. She did this session for herself. She grew, she learned, and she changed in the most wonderful ways possible. To say “I’m proud of her” would be an understatement.
Ready to get to know your body? Let’s chat about what a boudoir session can do for you on your self-love journey.