If the first time is a charm, and the second time is a charm, does that make the third time a mega charm? Babe M has shot with me 3 times, and each session gets better and better. She’s grown in her confidence and self-worth right before my eyes, and I could not be happier for her.
Like anything we do, the more we try it, the more we like it and the better we become. This is true for acts of self-love, as well. It can be tricky to find that special something that really resonates with you and helps you grow, but when you find it, stick with it! For some women, like Babe M, that’s boudoir. She even told me that her bathroom walls are becoming an homage to her booty, and I love that so much. Maybe we should all decorate our bathrooms with butt photos! Someone should tell Elle Decor Magazine about this trend.
If you’re still looking for the best way to boost your confidence, maybe it’s boudoir. Maybe it’s something else, but no matter what it is, I hope you find it. If you don’t see the point in practicing self-love, just look at Babe M. I remember that her tummy was a big insecurity during her first session. In this one, we didn’t even build up to the nude photographs. She rocked her topless shots before we photographed anything else! If that’s not self-worth growth, I don’t know what is. I’m proud of how far she’s come. Taking the time to care for yourself is important. Do it often.

Side Note: She MADE this rhinestone bra. Ummmmmm so much yes.

If you’re curious about boudoir, let me know. I’m happy to answer any questions you have about this invigorating, empowering experience. Let’s celebrate you, hunnie!